Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What would be some unique biography questions for teenagers to ask one another about themselves?

This is for a school writing project, so that they can write a news story about one another.What would be some unique biography questions for teenagers to ask one another about themselves?
What is the worst thing you have put your feet into? Which relative has had the most influence on you? Which thing that you bought or was given was a waste of money?What would be some unique biography questions for teenagers to ask one another about themselves?
aspirations...what skills they have...what was their favorite vacation and why....most challenging obstacle they have ever faced/overcome...most inspirational figure in their life/why...what would they change about themselves if they could...what they would change about the world if they could...the most selfless act they ever committed...the funniest thing that ever happened to them...favorite pastimes/hobbies and how they got into them...historical figure they would most like to meet/why...proudest accomplishment...

hope this helped. :-)
Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
Tell me something about yourself that no one else knows.

If you found out the world was going to end next week, what would you do? (as in, take a trip, see a concert, ask someone out)

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