Saturday, January 23, 2010

What pain medications are teenagers given after a circumcision?

No comments on ethics or doctor's not telling me the whole truth. Just what medsWhat pain medications are teenagers given after a circumcision?
panadol maybeWhat pain medications are teenagers given after a circumcision?
More than likely you will not have any pain and if you do it will not be so intolerable that you will need a strong pain killer. Usually tylenol or ibuprofen will take care of it. This whole idea of pain after a circumcision is another one of the myths that seems to get blown out of proportion. You may feel some pulling from the stitches, but nothing that will require a strong pain killer. The doctor or nurse will advise you on all of this and if he gives you a pain killer it will only be 3 or 4 of them.
Your doctor knows better. Actually, the pain doesn't last long.

Within in a week, you will surely feel better. There's no more

reversal, once you were circumcised, so dwell on the advantages of being circumcised. Actually there are also a lot of benefits, though there may be some drawbacks, as some claims. Get yourself braced to how you are now. Forget the past and faced the future with strong determination. Enjoy yourself like what you are, not what you wish you were!
Honestly? Probably some vicodin.
Nothing cause it doesn't hurt that bad.
Nothing. They don't give you anything. lol

Advil will work just fine.

It's nothing strong, circumcision doesn't hurt that much. People over react about the pain.

I have been through a hernia surgery where intestines fell into mu scrotum and it had to be surgecly fixed. That will hurt, circumcision not so much.


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