Thursday, January 21, 2010

How do I find the number of automobile accidents involving teenagers in a certain parish?

I was recently pulled over for speeding on the interstate. Although I did not receive a ticket, my parents were still pretty upset and as punishment, assigned me to write an essay on the dangers of teenage driving, along with 10 hours of community service. However, I am having great difficulty tracking down this information. Help please??How do I find the number of automobile accidents involving teenagers in a certain parish?

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15- to 20-year olds.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 3,490 drivers in this age group died in motor vehicle crashes in 2006 and an additional 272,000 were injured.

Drivers age 15- to 20-years old accounted for 12.9 percent of all the drivers involved in fatal crashes and 16 percent of all the drivers involved in police-reported crashes.

Twenty-five percent of teen drivers killed were intoxicated. In 2006 (latest data available) crashes involving 15 to 17 year olds cost more than $34 billion nationwide, in medical costs, property damage and other costs, according to an AAA analysis.

Among licensed drivers, young people between the ages of 15 and 20 have the highest rate of fatal crashes relative to other age groups, including the elderly.

In fact, the risk of being involved in a fatal crash for teens is three times greater than for drivers age 65 to 69.

Immaturity and lack of driving experience are the two main factors leading to the high crash rate among teens.

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