Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What are the penalties for teenagers caught smoking or posessing cigarettes?

Also,who is supposed to be enforcing the laws?I was behind a school bus a few days ago and at least 20 kids lit up cigarettes after getting off.This was a middle school bus on a busy street.They don't seem too worried about getting caught.What are the penalties for teenagers caught smoking or posessing cigarettes?
Technically, a juvenile can be sent to a reformatory until age 18 for any crime.

In reality, it's hardly the sort of thing that the police are going to do much about. Usually, they will ignore it, tell the kid its bad for their health, or call the kids parents. When I was a kid, our high school had a heated outdoor smoking area for the kids. Now they would probably suspend them.

Routinely selling cigarettes to minors can bring a fine ranging from $25 to $1000 dollars, depending on the jurisdiction, and even loss of a business license.What are the penalties for teenagers caught smoking or posessing cigarettes?
Well, it all depends on where you live. I really don't know of any punishment at federal level.

Make sure you find out and know your rights. You can never be too careful with authorities.

P.S. Try to cut back. All that crap they put into those sticks causes serious health problems.
In most states the key is possession, it is illegal to buy or possess tobacco. If you are a minor that is in possession of or has bought tobacco in Wisconsin, you fall under statute 938.343. Here is a simplistic brake down, counseling for juvenile and or parent or guardian, a fine up to $50, and community service. Different states have different penalties.
The police in my town give out fines for any minor they catch smoking in public. They monitor the school areas very heavily before and after school. I'm sure every town is different,but here they take it quite seriously.
As far as I know, children can`t be punished for buying cigarettes (which will be why trading standards can use children to buy cigarettes to check out shops selling them to under 18`s). It is individual shopkeepers / members of staff that are breaking the law by selling cigarettes to children.

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