Sunday, January 17, 2010

How do hormones affect the overall mood of teenagers?

Obviously, hormones play a big part in the mood of people and especially teenagers. Puberty brings about drastic changes within an individual's life. What specific hormones influence teenagers' moods? What specific hormones influence guys/girls that are not in the opposite sex?

Sources would be amazing.How do hormones affect the overall mood of teenagers?
Although brain chemical imbalances that cause depression are complex, researchers believe that a few main hormones are responsible for promoting feelings of wellbeing. These hormones are norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Another name for these hormones is monoamine transporters; that is they carry important messages along the neural pathway in the brain. Where an imbalance of these hormones occurs, a mood, energy or cognitive problem results. This is why these hormones are closely associated with depression.


Norepinephrine is produced by the adrenal glands and nerve cells to help us maintain energy and activity. Norepinephrine is also called noradrenalin and behaves similar to adrenalin, in that it is released in reaction to anger or emergency. As with serotonin related antidepressants, norepinephrine related medications do not increase levels of norepinephrine, but attempt to help the sympathetic nervous system to process it more efficiently.


Dopamine is associated with euphoria and our desire or motivation. Dopamine is also connected with the information pathway in the brain. A dopamine disorder or imbalance can cause memory and cognitive loss as well as difficulty with problem solving.


Serotonin may help us feel energetic, calm and assured. Most mood problems are associated with serotonin imbalances. Because the vast majority of depression sufferers may have low levels of serotonin, and because most medications seek to increase serotonin levels, serotonin is discussed here in more detail.

Low levels of serotonin not only affect mood, but the ability to cope with strong emotions. Low serotonin may also inhibit sensitivity to possible consequences, which may explain why aggression, impulsive behavior and suicide are prolific in people with low serotonin levels.

we are all subject to these hormones regardless of age..^_^

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