It just shows how much they are not ready for a relationship.Why do teenagers feel the need to have a boyfriend?
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Some girls want a boyfriend because their father isn't around, and they are trying to get male approval and support from other sources.
Some girls want a boyfriend because it's the ';cool'; thing to do and all their friends have one.
Some girls want a boyfriend because of hormones.
Some girls want a boyfriend because it makes them feel older. But I think it's more mature to wait a few more years to steady date, like you are. I admire you for that. I did the same thing.
I'm about that age too, and I don't see the need for a boyfriend either. All the guys I know (especially at my school) are perverted jerks with bad self-esteem, and I wouldn't want their insecurities to rub off on me. Plus I have a very full schedule, with school, sports, work, and all that, I just don't have the time for that. Plus I can flirt with whomever I want whenever I want! lol.
You're very correct, and very mature I think.
When I was in Junior High, you could only be ';popular'; if you had a boyfriend..but if you ask me, the ';popular'; girls were the pathetic ones.
Dating is way overrated..stick to being a teen and worry about things like this later on :-)
The reason you feel like that is because you cant get a boyfriend if you ried whats wrong with you are you on the adult side too. eww sick
Lost of reasons, but my main reason is real actual factuals. They feel the need to have a boyfriend because of what they are watching on t.v. Disney channel, noggin, pogo, all those channels have those ';Teen Sitcoms'; (ex. Raven) where the teen has a love interest as the show goes on, and they have their first kiss, u know stuff like that.
Parents think that just because their kids are watching G- rated t.v, there is only learning going on. Yeah it is, but when your kid grows into a teen, they start to pick up more on things and they see ';Raven'; all voluptuous, and the boys are feeling her, they wanna start to act like that. That's my opinion if nobody else feels what I'm saying.............
they see other kids doing it and so they think they need to do it too.peer pressure from their friends.i guess its their hormones are working overtime.and its not long they are pregnant and where are their boyfriend at,ill tell you where,running with some other girl to get them pregnant also.and if a girl thinks boys have a car and money,thats the 1 for them.i know how it is,i was young once and its not any difference then when i went to school,except then parents had a chance to correct their kids.
It sounds to me like you are christian, hard-core. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend can lead to the greatest feeling in the world, LOVE. And don't say your parents and friends love you, cuz being loved by a boyfriend is a whole different thing. ANd who says they don't get married? I've been going out with my girlfriend for 2 years now. I wouldn't mind marrying her someday.
I am 16 and don't feel the need to have a boyfriend. If I become attracted to a person that is beyond friendship, then you can't help that. I don't go out looking for a boyfriend like most of the girls at my school or in my neighborhood.
well when that right boy comes along you will feel differently, but enjoy your youth, be a kid and have fun, being grown up isn't all that great.
I think you are right. I'm 14, I don't have a boyfriend, and I'm content. Now I admit I had some crushes in 6th grade, but I got over those, and as an eighth grader, I see no use for a boyfriend at my current age. In middle and high school, all you do with a boyfriend/girlfriend is hang out, talk, possibly get into trouble for PDA, and suffer a heartbreak when your awesome, fairy-tale, dream-come-true, very lengthy 2 week long relationship comes to a sudden end.
I'm 13 almost 14 years old. I don't see the need for a boyfriend. I think it just adds more pressure to your life. You're right. I don't see why that mostly all teenagers think that boyfriends/girlfriends are a MUST HAVE. Can't people just be themselves and forget about relationships till your older when you have that right to get married.
People pick on me at school cause I don't think we need boyfriends and such. I guess it's just a typical teenage thing.
Although right now I'm more concentrated on my schoolwork. I think this generation of teenagers and all, just want to be an adult quicker and have all those privileges.
99% of the time it's the fact that they have the most ';gorgeous'; boyfriend so it makes them more popular. And also so they can lie through there teeth and say the have done ';grown up things '; when they havent. I think You are very mature holding back - because believe me what you find attractive now will change next week and the week after blah blah blah . good for u waiting.
so they can feel loved, and wanted by someone that like likes them. people have the need to be wanted, in a boy/girl ..etc.. way..
some people simply dont have the need to be wanted *wink wink* in a relationship like gf bf
I agree...I'm 14 and have never had a boyfriend. Yes, I've had my share of crushes, but I've been realistic and realized that the other person is not right for me. I was first asked out when I was, I still thought boys had cooties.
But here's the scoop....
Lots of teenagers feel lonely...empty. They think that boys (or girls), drugs, sex, and partying will help to fill that emptiness. They feel wanted when they have a bf/gf. So that's how they fill their emptiness...with drugs, sex, dating, drinking, and smoking. (Not all of them...I'm just being very stereotypical.)
to feel love
Sometimes the need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend or be in a relationship stems from the need to be accepted. If you put a group of teenagers together into a room and they are all different they will in most cases try to find the most minor things that they have in common. This is just a part of the development of a teenager. It all depends on the level of a relationship also, I say sometimes because some teens look for a relationship based on sexual intercourse. That stems from things such as hormones, to an encounter with a child abuser in the past. Hope that answers your question somewhat.
As a way for companionship. Someone they know will alwyas be there for them, and to support them no matter what.
u will have to experince how love feels but then u cant stop trust me
You have a good intelligent, insightful head on your shoulders and you know yourself well. Congratulations. They have boyfriends (and girlfriends) for security, usually. Some people, even adults, are terrified of being alone or lonely. To each his own. Don't worry about it. You're your own person, doing what you need to do. It doesn't get any better that that.
a lot of it is peer presure and the novilty of having a partner...i think most teens r too young to date these days...and more and more r becoming young parents...i glad to see that one has their head in the right spot, i hope mt girls will grow up to have the same attitude...good for u
I guess you have to start socializing with the opposite sex at some point and need to learn the art of dating. I mean you cant marry if you never date right? But alas, you are 15 you need not date yet...
I agree. I mean at my school its all about ';going out'; and people think its ';pathetic'; that I've never dated anyone.
Most often it is due to peer pressure. The need to be popular and ';hip'; is often what causes teens to feel the need to have a relationship. You sound like someone who is comfortable with who you are and don't feel the need to follow the crowd. Good job. Be proud of who you are.
As a teenager myself I think it's sometimes because there friends have boyfriends and they feel they need and want one too.
I think when all else fails you should have that one boy you can count on to be there. If there a bad guy dont let him be your boyfriend if you pick a sweet on then go for it
They see it in the media...and feel the need to follow along. Peer pressure, too.
Watever people want to have fun. Let em have fun.
many is just experience. you can find out who and what kind of person you DO want to marry once you are ready. also...hormones. it can be a good thing to be with someone for love...if you are not ready, then that is good too. dont do something just because everyone else is. but it isn't always bad
i know it sad when are they gonna learn that having a gf bf at that age is wrong.
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