Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is the safest way for teenagers to protect themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies?

Just wondering what the best way to prevent these things. Any suggestions based on past experience or just suggestions are helpful. Please refrain from posting if you're only going to say something about abstinence.What is the safest way for teenagers to protect themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies?
Abstinence.What is the safest way for teenagers to protect themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies?
Very best:

He: Vasectomy %26amp; condom


He: wear condoms

She: use birth control pills too

Next best?

He: wear condoms

She: use rhythm method too
always use two forms of birth control. One a birthcontrol pill Two a condom. And if you plan ahead on having sex get checked out by a clinic to see if you have any STD's. My friend who is 19 made her and her boyfriend get checked for AIDS and STD's before having sex for the first time. If your boyfriend or girlfriend really cares about you they will get tested!
Sorry, abstinence IS the safest way. You can never be sure of your partner's sexual history, sooner or later there is some sort of sexual contact without a condom (and condoms do sometimes leak), and no birth control method is foolproof. You play the game, take your chances.
Stay a virgin! Once you have sex, you just want more. You get careless. When you're a teen, you think nothing will get to you, but it can. Go read the walls in your local Planned Parenthood office. The AIDS statistics are downright scary, and no one wants an STD. Wait until you know you're with someone for life, then get tested first. Be careful!
really no sex is the best way!

you might want to ask a health specialist
there are a number of things that a person can do to prevent themselves from catching an STD
No sex!
Use a condom or just refrain from sex!
condom is the only way to prevent std
if your a girl use a Dephagram

all u epopel giving this person a hard time geeshh

relax its not that scary
practice safe sex, like using a condom
condoms. only other thing i can think of is don't sleep with the town slutt or any one who you know ****'s a lot. you can have u and your partner get checked for std's before you have sex, but this could be embarrassing.
don't have sex
Dude youre still a kid if you dont want a baby or a disease dont screw around!
no sex or just triple layer a condom or so
abstinence is a 100% guarantee, but hardly realistic. condoms and other forms of birth control can be effective if used correctly, but may not be available to all teens due to financial resources, parents, etc.

knowledge/education is key--probably the most important thing. you'd be surprised what some teens think will prevent stds and pregnancy.
well the only way really is to use a condom when you have sex. some STD's are more dangerous then others, but if you are scared the condom would break, i would just refrain from sex altogether
cundums... (condoms :P)
Don't have sex!
Condoms are the obvious choice, but more than that - know someone before you sleep with them. Many STDS will manifest themselves if you give the relationship some time. Learn their lifestyle, are they partiers that sleep with anything that moves? What is their risk level - you can figure it out based on their lifestyle. If you just want to be a dog in heat and nail anything that moves as soon as you can hit it, then you live with the consequences - a condom is your only hope along with frequent checkups with your doctor.
The #1 way to prevent pregnancy is to...

not have sex. duh.
Other than abstinence, the best protection against STD's and pregnancy are condoms.

Of course, combinations add more protection, for instance: condoms and oral contraceptives, condoms and spermicide, etc.
Uhhh....condoms and bc. Wow, what do they teach kids in sex ed these days.
Condoms....either the ones for guys or girls, it's your choice.
pray to god when you get a blood transfusion that it doesn't end up being aids infected blood. Avoid helping people who are bleeding get out of their wrecked car.

Also condoms when having sex, spermicide, or don't have sex which would be ludacris to tell a teenager to do because its human instinct to have a sexual drive, and to deny this can cause problems in adulthood.

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