Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How can teenagers under the age of voting impact the election?

I feel like i'm just a spectator since i can't vote at the age of 15 in this 2008 presidential election.I won't be able to vote until the 2012 election,and either Senator Obama or Senator McCain will have already been elected.By then,i'll be 19 years old.How can i and other teens who are at least 2 or 3 years short of gaining rights to vote use this highly-competitive election to our advantage?How can teenagers under the age of voting impact the election?
First of all, I congratulate you for just being interested. If you are watching politics now, you will be a MUCH better voter when you turn 18. The more people who vote, the better off we are. So thank you.

When I was a teenager the Vietnam war was going on. Every boy my age (when I was your age) was politically aware because we had the draft hanging over our heads as soon as we got out of high school. We used to have long discussions about politics at lunchtime in my high school. Most of us wanted to stay out of the war but I had friends who couldn't wait to get into it! But by the time we graduated from high school we all knew what we wanted. I've been missing that in kids today, and I am just THRILLED that kids your age are taking an interest again.

I live in California where we often have a dozen initiatives on the ballot. It takes half an hour just to vote, the ballot goes on for pages and pages. When I was sixteen, my mom asked me if I'd read the voter's pamphlet and mark her ballot for her. Which I did. Then my older sister asked if I'd do that for her too. The several of her friends did too! So in 1966 I got to vote about six times! 8^D

Just keep following the news. When you're 19 you will have a much better idea of who you want to vote for. You will see how this election turned out, what changes it made in your life. And you will vote much more wisely than you might vote today.How can teenagers under the age of voting impact the election?
Listen carefully, learn and research. Become involved and aware before you decide which party you are for. When the time comes then you will be smart enough to know who you are voting for. I came to the USA 28 yrs ago from the UK via Saudi Arabia. I didn't know much about amercian policitics but I decided to learn for myself before I became a citizen in 1999. No one told me who to vote for because I was old enough to make up my own mind.

So go with what you think is right and don't let anyone persuade you otherwise.
you can make an immediate impact by spreading the word to everyone who IS old enough to vote, to get out there and do so! I'll bet that your local party headquarters would love your help on the phones or going door to door to tell people to vote! Thanks for being a great young man!!!!

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