Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why should schools treat pregnant teenagers differently than the others?

My sister is a senior in high school and there are so many girls there that are pregnant. It's a shame anyhow she was in class and was needing to go to the bathroom and she asked the teacher and he said no, wait til class is over but then 5 minutes later she said this pregnant girl asked and he gave her the hall pass and let her go to the bathroom.

That is not fair. Who else agree's?

Why do teachers do this (or people in general towards teens in school that are pregnant) Is it out of pity?Why should schools treat pregnant teenagers differently than the others?
Probably pity, and they probably don't want to mess with getting in trouble in case something happens to the baby, you know? They don't wanna get any blame for something so serious. I used to have alot of male teachers that wouldn't let me go to the bathroom in school either, I went anyways - even if I got in trouble or was marked tardy. Some girls would out right say ';I'm on my period, okay!?'; lol. Unfortunately, you're always gonna see some sort of favoritism in school - if it's a really serious issue tho, be sure to stand up for what's right! Be respectful at the same time though, that's always important, especially if you're trying to get your point across. =)Why should schools treat pregnant teenagers differently than the others?
if they treat them different it should be in a good way... i was in school while i was pregnant and wasnt treated different ... if they take care of their responsibilites then you should praise them.... at least they are not having an abortion and killing an innocent child

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if she is pregnant she HAS to go duh

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Depending on how long there was until class ended, no school has a right to deny a child or teenager a bathroom break. Now, if there was only ten or fifteen minutes left of class, I could understand. But the prego girl could have waited too. I never bothered about bathroom breaks at work when I was pregnant. I controled my fluid intake and made it to break time just fine.

Could be worse. Some school ship the prego girls to another school to get teach them how to take care of baby and never teach them anything else. I think that is wrong. They are not given a real education, just ';Here's how you fasten a diaper.';
They're probably afraid of getting sued for something stupid b/c everyone seems to be suing for crap these days...just be glad your sis isn't involved in the Popular Pregnant Club.
THey do it because they know that preganancy means going to the bathroom more. When you get pregnant you will see why they do that. A pregnant woman needs to potty more because of hormones affecting the bladder as well as the uterus and baby pushing on the bladder. If a pregnant woman has to use the restroom and doesn't get to go it increases the risk for a UTI which can cause preterm labor.

It is just like when people complain about pregnant teenagers eating more in schools....well duh they have to eat for the baby and so yes they have to eat more calories and more smaller meals.

Some things have to be changed when you are pregnant and someday you will probably realize that when you get pregnant yourself.


Chances are if your sister is an overall healthy girl with no history of a UTI holding her urine in for a few more minutes isn't going to hurt her. If she was to get a UTI it is treatable with an antibiotic and won't cause her any complications. If a pregnant woman however gets a UTI it can cause increased risk of other infections as well as preterm labor which can harm her unborn baby.
Perhaps it is because a pregnant female can be going to the bathroom for any number of reasons....and special considerations have to be made to ensure nothing bad happens as a result of refusing a simple bathroom visit...

That being said...getting pregnant is high school is about the most moronic thing I can imagine...

Talk about ruining your life before you even get a chance to experience it...
omg i know exactly what you mean! i graduated in 07 and im now 5 months pregnant but i think it was my sophmore year of high school i got a detention bc the teacher wouldnt let me go to the restroom i didnt just have to go a little i was about to go in my pants in was a blocked class(two hours no break)and i was drinking lots of water bc it was a hott day and i had a softball game right after 5 mins later this pregnant girl went up and asked to go and the teacher let her i was so mad i walked out went to the restroom and went back to class .

you gotta go you gotta go right?
I think it's fair because the girl was ';pregnant'; and your sister wasn't....if it was your sister that was pregnant you would think that it wouldn't be fair if the teacher only gave the pass to the girl who wasn't pregnant.

Try looking at it in a different way...

Pregnant woman are carrying another being inside of them so they need all the care and respect.

Sorry but your sister is being selfish.
If your sister really has to go to the bathroom, she should just get up and leave. If she gets sent to the office, oh well. Otherwise, she can just wait. You've been pregnant. You and many other women are perfectly aware that if you need to go, you need to go now because you might not make it if you wait.

I think it's perfectly fair and I don't agree with you. Life is not full of equality, so just get over it. As the other poster said, just be glad your sister is not part of the Popular Pregnant Club.
i dont think so because when i was pregnant it was hard for me to hold it especially when the baby was all up on my bladder and i have had a few embarassing moments in public because i couldnt get to the bathroom in time, i was in the middle of walmart on day and all of a sudden i had to pee and my son happened to push up against my bladder and i ended up peeing on myself a bit b4 i made it to the layaway bathrooms
Whether your a teen or not pregnancy puts demands on the woman's body. As far as the bathroom incident you mentioned goes it is well known that pregnant women need to pee more often because of the pressure the baby places on the bladder or it could have been morning sickness.

I was a teen when I had my children and I stayed in school. I was 15 when I had my daughter, 17 when I married her father and graduated at 19 and I was 6 months pregnant with my son. No I did not get special privileges nor did I expect them. The only exception was alterations that was made to my exercises in gym class and my teacher still failed me because I couldn't run the mile therefore I didn't get it done in her time frame. So I had to repeat a semester of gym, oh well.

I don't think it was fair that when my son was in elementary school and he had a letter from his Dr. because he has irritable bowel that if he left class to go to the restroom he had to give up his recess because the teacher said if he got to go that all the kids would want to go.
because she was pregnant. It's that simple.

She probably has talked to her teachers about the situation, and had a pass from the doctor or something.

Being pregnant, she can't hold it as long as a teenage girl who just wants to go fix her makeup.

Pregnant women have to go more often anyway.

It's hard enough that the girl is going through highschool being pregnant.

I have alot of respect for the girls who choose to follow through with their actions by not having an abortion (or an easy way out)

Although, I DO think that if he let one go, he should let the other as well, but I'm not the teacher=)

Most teachers don't let anyone go to the bathroom, and he probably let the pregnant girl go because he had to.

It's considered a medical situation.
First of all I think you need to settle down.

Your sister is not pregnant and therefore shouldn't have needed to go. Lunch or recess or whatever you call it is plenty of time to go if she needs to. Class is for learning and how would kids learn if they spent half th time in the toilet? However in the case of pregnant teen they actually DO need to pee.

I think it all depends on the reason the teen is pregnant. If they were raped I think they need special trreatment like counselling sessions and maybe extension or special exceptions on assignments and homework. Afterall they're probably hurt and scared. They didn't ask to get pregnant.

If the teem just wanted a kid I think they shouldn't get as much special treatment. Afterall they knew that when they got pregnant they would have to juggle that and their school work.
Pregnant teens shouldn't be treated special for getting in their condition, but at the same time, pregnant women physically can't hold their bladder. Once you get in the third trimester your body is not your own at all anymore.

It's not fair, but it is just how things are. If the teacher forced the pregnant girl to hold it and she ended up getting a UTI, the school district would be in trouble. Likewise, if the girl peed herself, her mother would have raised hell for the teacher abusing her child. Life isn't fair. Your sister held her bladder just fine.
Because pregnant women have a harder time controlling their bladders, especially in later pregnancy. One sneeze or cough and you'll be cleaning up a puddle.

I'm not saying that teenage mothers deserve privilage simply because they're teenage mothers, but in the real world pregnant women (regardless of age) have to pee a lot more often than non-pregnant ones, and when they have to go they HAVE to go, kwim?

Lots of times people look at pregnant teens as lower than they are, or less deserving because of their mistakes. In my opinion, it's better to let them have some ';privilage'; in school if it makes it easier on them rather than have them drop out and become another sad statistic. You'd be complaining if they dropped out and you'll complain if they stay in. Just lay off and focus on your own life. It's not going to hurt someone to wait a few minutes, and if it's a real emergency, go up and tell the teacher you HAVE TO GO NOW!!! Most times they'll let you go anyway.

Just be thankful you and sis aren't then ones with an 8 month old fetus kicking your full bladder in the middle of Biology. LOL.

Edited: If your sister got a UTI she'd have symptoms, she'd go to the doctor, get put on antibiotics and be done with it. If a pregnant woman had a UTI it's a much different story. UTIs have been connected with preterm labor, miscarriage and mental retardation of the fetus. Pregnant women also are usually asymptomatic, meaning they have no symptoms of a UTI other than an increased need to urinate, which is a common thing during any NORMAL pregnancy. The longer she'd hold the urine, the worse the UTI would become.

Stop sounding so hateful about teen mothers. Yes, they screwed up. Some are irresponsible, some don't have a choice in the matter and others genuinely don't know any better. You should climb off of your high horse, it's a long fall otherwise, and who's to say your sister or daughter wouldn't be in that situation some day?
As for the bathroom pass, your sister's bladder did not have a six or seven pound baby laying on it. I'm not saying people should be rewarded for being teen mothers, but pregnant women have to go to the bathroom often; that's the truth.

I think, tho, that you're making sweeping generalizations. Don't be jealous of attention or preferrential treatment that pregnant teens at your school might get.
well i understand what you are asking.I am 6 months pregnant my self and to be huntst it is hard to hold you blatter if the baby moves. But I think that she should be alowed to go wheather she is or not cause that is unfair. but as I said it is heard to hold your blatter.
A lot of this is due to the fact that it is well known that pregnancy causes you to need to go potty much more often even in the beginnings of the pregnancy. Hormones play havoc on a woman's body. Also you don't know if this girl had spoken with the teacher about the chance of it being morning sickness. Generally you can feel the nausea kick in and run to the bathroom to be sick. If he had said no, there was a likely chance of her either being sick or peeing in class. Neither of which are very nice. Also alot of people feel pity for a teen who's pregnant. Not saying this is right or wrong...just that it happens.
I think that is rediculouse, i would be taking it up with the head master of the school. If that was me i would have walked out after the other girl got told she could go. I dont get it the sensible ones get treated like crap and the pregnant ones get what they want just because they are pregnant.

I am pregnant myself but if i was in school and the teacher said no to another student going i wouldnt even bother asking unless i REALLY had to go because that is not fair to the others in the class!

Actually it's very rude!
Your sister isn't in kindergarden, she can wait until class is over. She's a senior in highschool.
Not that is makes it right, but pregnant girls/women in general have a harder time controlling their bladder, think about the weight that they have on their bladder, and with your sister not being pregnant it makes it much easier to just hold it. I know it's frusterating but hey, there's nothing we can do.

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