Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What can be done to stop teenagers posting defamatory material about their teachers on the internet?

This is now an everyday occurrence.

Not just surreptitiously taken photos and videos posted on Youtube, there are now hundreds of Facebook groups against this or that teacher.

Some of the comments and photos are absolutely libellous... but the problem is that those who post are too young to be prosecuted legally although they are causing untold damage.

What should be done to a 14/15/16 year old who posts defamatory content against a teaching professional?What can be done to stop teenagers posting defamatory material about their teachers on the internet?
Part of me wants to say expell but that's not really tackling the subject at hand.

Facebook %26amp; Youtube need to regulate their sites more.

It all comes down to parenting too. My mum knows what my 15 yr old brother gets up to on the net (to his embarassment!). Parents should actively find out what their children are doing and put a stop to it if it's unsuitable content and behaviour. I know it's not always possible but I know 11 year olds with their own laptops which their parents do not go on, these 11 year olds frequently visit chatroom sites.What can be done to stop teenagers posting defamatory material about their teachers on the internet?
There should be new legislation to include miscreants of all ages. As a teacher, I am constantly having to go on about cyber bullying and being safe on the internet. The children are well aware of the rights and wrongs of it, so should not be shielded by the law because of their age.

In addition, certain chat sites should also be more open to scrutiny to protect all users from this systematic libellous crap and if they don't assist, then they should be part of the prosecution.
Defamation is defamation. Inform the Police. If the people doing that do not identify themselves then it is very unlikely anyone will take any notice of what they say. If, on the other hand they identify themselves, then go on them with the full strengh of the law. -- I would !!

If they are young, then the parents are ther to answer for them.

So you could fight back.

You could also pretend to be someone else and post other things just as bad about those kids but remain anonymous, though.... - Say things about those kids that will embarass them.

Finally, if it is being done on a large scale then do not worry about it -- other teahers are being victims of the same thing.
If they are old enough to commit a crime they are old enough to be made to understand what it means to be responsible for there own actions. There must be some form of holding them to account, if only to prevent them from growing up into real criminals. Unfortunately some people believe that it should only apply to other people's children.
Regarding what CAN be done the answer is, nothing thanks to this mamby pamby government.

Regarding what SHOULD be done the answer is to hit them where it hurts like expulsion and fines for starters.
Send a letter out to each one of them informing them if they are found to be responsible for doing this they will be expelled. No if's or buts, throw them out, and if another school wont take them tough ****, they were warned.
Kids will be kids...the internet has just made things easier for them to bully without much effort....set someone up to follow the ring leader home and once on their own give him/her a good hiding...works every time.
You're correct. It should go back to the walls of the loo where it belongs.
New laws to fine them or sue them.
improve their teaching, the hounds!
Oh dear what did you confiscate
Post up the links to what your pupils have been saying about you and then we'll judge.

Ta. x

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