Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How many layers of paper mache should i give to a pinata for teenagers to hit?

Me and my friend are making one with flour, water and newspaper for our Geometry class of Sophomores. It's a snowman for Christmas. How many layers should we use? I want it strong so it takes a while for these kids to get it, and some of them get pretty wild. What do you think-how many layers?How many layers of paper mache should i give to a pinata for teenagers to hit?
That's hard to say. It depends on a lot of things, like how strong the paper is with the paste on it, what shape, where the weak points are, etc.

If it was me, and it was the first one I ever made, I'd do two or three layers, let it dry, and then feel it with my fingers to see how strong it was. I have seen pinatas the fell apart almost as soon as you put the candy in them, and others that wouldn't break no matter how hard you hit them! 8^) What you want ideally is one that cracks and 'bleeds' candy, and scatters it all around as it swings.

BTW the baseball bat is not a good idea. So many people get hurt with pinatas every year, especially little kids who run in, oblivious to danger, to grab candy. A baseball bat can crack open someone's head! I would say use nothing bigger than a broomstick. Of course this means the pinata doesn't have to be as strong.How many layers of paper mache should i give to a pinata for teenagers to hit?
I would use a lot of layers. My mom threw my best friend and I a b-day party (we are exactly 1 week apart) and our favorite animal is the pig. She used several layers and to make it even harder she used wallpaper paste!
326,482,427,287,788,887,678,647,284 layers should work. Then have the Geometry students try to pronounce that number. I'm a Freshman and in Geometry.....so why aren't you in a higher math?
quite a few...depends are they boys or girls?

Boys: !1000000000000000000000

Girls:10000000000000000000000000000000鈥?(girls are stronger than boys!)
ooo. I'd say a lot. Teenagers can hit pretty hard. Id say maybe 10 layers. But not too thick of layers.
the more the better
For quick strong pinata, use plaster of paris instead of flour
Lots! I'd guess around 10-12, but it depends on how thick the paper that you're using is.
8-10 because then it's really hard to get open
Go 20 it'll take forever!!
Use 10 layers!
I would say 20, have fun.
buy one.
Materials Needed:

* Large, Round Balloon

* Newspaper

* Paper Mache Paste

* Masking Tape

* Cardboard

* Paint

* Crepe Paper

* String or Yarn


Make sure you cover you work surface well. I usually set down newspaper first and then wax paper on top of the newspaper. This is a very messy project!

Tear several newspaper pages into strips. You will want them 1 inch wide and about 6 - 8 inches long. Set them aside.

Use a large bowl to prepare your paper mache paste (Pick a recipe here). The paste will be sticky! I would suggest using a bowl that is easy to soak and clean (glass perhaps) or even a disposable bowl.

Blow up the balloon and tie it closed. Now you are ready to start with the paper mache! (To hold your ballon while you are working on it, you might want to try to set it in a cup or bowl that is covered with plastic wrap.)

Dip the newspaper strips into the glue and spread them onto the balloon. Completely cover the balloon, leaving a small hole at the top to remove the balloon and fill the pinata. Let the first layer dry.

Add two more layers of paper mache to your balloon. Allow each layer to dry completely before putting on the next layer. Once it is dry, pop the balloon and remove it through the opening you left at the top (If you cannot get the balloon out, don't worry about it too much - No one will see it).

You can now decorate your pinata. The fastest way is to paint it with bright designs. After the paint is dry, you can hang some crepe paper streamers from the bottom. To hang your pinata, poke 4 small holes evenly spaced around the larger hole in the top. Thread a piece of string, yarn, or even fishing line through each hole and tie the together at the top. Tie a longer piece of string onto the these.

You can also decorate your pinata using 3 inch squares of tissue paper. Spread some glue on your pinata. Hold the 4 corners of your tissue paper square together and then stick the center of the tissue paper square onto the glue. The 4 corners hould not touch the glue, they should remain sticking up.

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