This question popped into my head yesterday. I know at my age, I'm not expected to. But when am I suppose to start saving money for Christmas for gifts?When is the age when teenagers are expected to start giving gifts for Christmas?
You could always take a small portion of your allowance/income and put that into a 'Christmas gifts' pile. Example:
Billy does not have an allowance, he does chores and oddjobs for his money. For every, say, twenty dollars he gets, he puts one-fourth of it into a Christmas pile, which he puts 1/4th of his income to all year long. If he maintains a $20 a week income, he has ( 5 x 52 ) $260 dollars to buy Christmas gifts for friends and family.
Ok, in my head that estimate seemed a might bit lower.
General Idea = Put a portion of your money to the side all year long, and voila you have money for Christmas.
I'd think a good age to start would be 13-15 ish.When is the age when teenagers are expected to start giving gifts for Christmas?
I do not think that anybody, including teenagers (or maybe especially teenagers) should be ';expected'; to give gifts at all. Ever. If you ever feel you ';have'; to save money or think about starting to actually ';buy'; someone gifts, whether family, friends, co-workers or whoever, you will miss the entire meaning of Christmas forever.
If you would like to give gifts on your own, and are not being ';told'; to, you should be able to give gifts whenever it feels right in your heart.
There is no 'age' when you have to start paying for your own Christmas really depends on your family and your life. If you have a job, then it makes sense to get gifts for people yourself.
But maybe your parents are okay with paying for Christmas gifts for everyone you know.
When you start paying for your Christmas gifts comes down to how long your parents are willing tp pay for them and how long you are willing to let your parents pay for the gifts you give out.
If your parents have enough money and are generous enough to give you money for presents, start then.
If you don't have any way of making money, then i would start as soon as you get a job. Most girls get all their girlfriends presents by the beginning of high school (about 14-15yrs), and then do family gifts as well. Guys don't really usually find it ';cool'; enough to give friends gifts til much later - but family gifts start around mid-high school age (about 16-17yrs).
Kids should start giving gifts as soon as they can make a card, then more advanced crafty-things. Teenagers can give presents by doing things for their parents, spending time with their siblings, or giving up something for themselves. The buying of things is less important, but they can always tell their parents what others might like and be part of the shopping/giving experience. But whenever they start getting an allowance, they can save up for the holidays.
Obviously you can't buy anything big until you are in a job, earning money, but you can buy them a small present if you are getting pocket money from a younger age. I've bought at least a very small gift (like a pen or keyring) from about nine or ten for my parents and I added this to whatever large gift I bought from the money my parents gave me for presents.
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I'd say 16, or whenever you can get a job.
Which means this is my last year not having to worry about giving gifts.
My sister buys all the presents, and I give her some money so she'll say they're from me too.
I think it will be fun shopping though! I'm going to start my Christmas shopping next year as soon as I get my first job %26amp; license.
im 17 and people keep telling me that im too young to be spending all of my money (what little that i have) on christmas gifts for people but i feel like a creeper not giving anything to the people that are giving me so much sometimes i do make gifts .. more when i was younger than now but ... idk i guess when u get a job u get gifts ,
no age is to young to give gifts. it is the thought that counts. really your parents would enjoy a home-made card or (if your really little) a piece of macaroni, stuck up your nose and glued to a piece of construction paper as much as a new printer or broadway tickets.
when ever they are old enough to earn their own spending money. When my kids were little they went to the dollar store and bought us gifts. One year I got measuring spoons and my husband got batteries. I will never for get those gifts. I think it's never too early to begin to teach children to give.
I've been buying my own gifts since i was 11. I saved my allowance and my mom piad me to work with her(she delivered newspapers BEST JOB EVER!) But typically nothing is expected of you until ur like 15 cause you should be mature by then.
I think maybe around 16/17/18. Because it's pretty obvious around that time you can start working. I started giving presents last year when I was 17 and had money from my job.
Teenagers should find a way to give gifts to parents, brothers %26amp; sisters and even tweens should be able to do this. It may mean just making something or save a little allowance.
This year I just bought gifts for my immediate family because I got a job, so basically I would say when they have a reasonable amount of income coming in.
As soon as you have any income or the ability to make small gifts. My child has made gifts for family members since she was 2. You can bake cookies or make ornaments.
well im 14 and i still dont and im not really planning on it?
i guess you dont really have to unless you get a job.
i'm only 11 and i'm giving christmas gifts
Depends. I don't get an allowance and I don't. My friend (who is 12) gets an allowance and buys her family and friends presents.
i started giving christmas gifts when i was like 8 till now and im 15 i spend 200 dollars on other poeples christmas gift now. but i reckon round 15 16??
it makes me feel gud
i started at 14 i think but they weren't very good/nice gifts since i didn't have a job. at 16 i got a job and could get gifts that were useful and nice
my rents just gave me money this year, but in the past i have spent my own money. i think i started around 12
I have given gifts since I was young, 7 or 8, but they are always small things.
at the beginnig of the month, and 16 is a good ageto start
As soon as you can get money. I buy them now, im 12, i pay for them myself! Just save it!
i would say whenever you start working
um idk but I would give gifts since I was able to form sentences.
um like freaking 10 duh!!! wat did u think 17??? iv been giving gifts since i was 10!!!
I def started around 10 or so... it was always important that I gave and no importance about how much
i did at about 16-18
when they get a job
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